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Firearm safety should be a top priority for all gun owners. Understanding and following the essential firearms safety rules is crucial to prevent accidents and promote a safe shooting environment. Here, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide to these rules, ensuring that you can handle firearms with confidence and responsibility. The first four rules are the cardinal rules of firearms safety that you should follow any time you are handling a firearm. The last two are additional rules to follow when on the range or when storing your gun at home.

  1. Always Treat Every Firearm as if it is Loaded: One of the cardinal rules of firearm safety is to treat every firearm as if it is loaded, even if you believe it to be unloaded. Never assume a firearm is safe to handle or play around with. Always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction and your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot. This is the golden rule of firearms. If you only remember one of these rules this should be it.
  2. Keep Your Finger Off the Trigger Until Ready to Fire: Always maintain proper trigger discipline by keeping your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire. By doing so, you minimize the risk of unintentional discharge and maintain control over the firearm.
  3. Keep the Firearm Pointed in a Safe Direction: Maintain control over the direction in which the muzzle is pointed at all times. This ensures that if an accidental discharge were to occur, no harm would come to anyone or anything of value. Always be aware of your surroundings and choose a safe direction to point the firearm.
  4. Know Your Target and What’s Beyond It: Before firing, be certain of your target and what lies beyond it. This rule ensures that you are aware of your surroundings and can prevent unintentional harm to others. Be mindful of potential hazards or bystanders in the area and avoid shooting at anything that you cannot positively identify.
  5. Wear Appropriate Eye and Ear Protection: Protecting your eyes and ears is crucial when shooting firearms. Always wear proper eye and ear protection to safeguard against debris, noise, and other potential hazards. Choose impact-resistant shooting glasses and quality ear protection that adequately blocks out harmful noise levels.
  6. Store Firearms Securely When Not in Use: Proper storage of firearms is essential for safety, especially when they are not in use. Ensure that your firearms are stored in a locked container, such as a gun safe or lockable cabinet, away from unauthorized access. If a safe is a little out of your budge right now, a simple gun lock will work and only costs a few bucks. Store ammunition separately from firearms in a secure location.

Adhering to the essential firearms safety rules is paramount to responsible gun ownership. By treating every firearm as if it is loaded, practicing proper trigger discipline, keeping the firearm pointed in a safe direction, knowing your target and what’s beyond it, wearing protective gear, and securely storing firearms, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable shooting experience for yourself and others. Always prioritize safety and never underestimate the importance of responsible firearm handling.